Tuesday, October 21, 2008

weird dream last night

I was at some hotel/vacation resort with family.

I left the pool to go back to the hotel room to take a shower. The bathtub was filled with poopy toiletpaper and used tampons and everything was mushy and damp. There was a kaleidascope in the tub as well. I just got in there and started cleaning it all up with my bare hands, touching all of the tampons and pulling some bloody toiletpaper out of the drain. I think I knew all of the used tampons and toilet paper were mine and that's why I didn't care to use gloves. oh, and I was skinny again in my dream and didn't have any body issues about being in a bathing suit. I think I was getting ready to go on a date or something.


Anonymous said...

Makes me think a lot about the weight loss technique you are trying out - wonder how the narrative of your dream ties to the elements in this process. Also, consider the initial source of the hormones... perhaps you are taking into you a part of that person's experience and it's blending with your own?

Sloth Womyn said...

It made me think of the weight loss too but I'm not actually taking the hormone yet. I read that It's better if I wait until after my period. What a trippy thought, I will be injecting an anonymous pregnant lady's hormones. I wonder why she sold her pee?

I'm a bit of a sicko so the thought of injecting myself every day kind of excites me, I ashamed to say. When I saw True Blood on Sunday and they snorted the aspirin mixed with vampire blood - oh my goddess, em, it looked so good to me! Like they were snorting crushed up rubies. I felt my heart go pitter patter and everything. I felt weird about it but I did used to put lots of stuff up my nose so I guess for me it's a normal reaction. Not that it made me want to go out and buy any coke or anything. That stuff just gives me panic attacks nowadays.

Anonymous said...

Sounds like you're letting go of a lot of shit and getting down to the blood n guts of processing it.

Sloth Womyn said...

and I just got my period today. I think that I am going to start cocooning for my time between time.

Ajijaak said...

Wow, I have had dreams about human waste and tampons too. These dreams often happen when something toxic is going on in my life or when I am doing some deep healing work. It is like a metaphor, "I don't want to look at this S@#&!" Since you just got in and started cleaning then maybe you are really doing some healing work for yourself right now and you are not afraid to do so.